Skin Scent Man
Friendly reliability
Women love this scent, and they buy it for themselves.
One day, a friend, tasting one of the fragrance of my collection, exclaimed: 'I know what this fragrance smells like! This fragrance has a smell of HIS hands! I am absolutely sure!'
I have no reason not to trust her seances.
I know this person. He is very respected and loved by other people. It would be interesting to create a fragrance with the scent of hands, skin, body. The fragrance of a full aromatic aura coming from a handsome young man who is probably an unattainable dream for many women. This kind of man became the prototype for the image of this fragrance. What an amazing accident!
Top notes:
bergamot, mandarin, orange, lavender, pepper, tarragon, muscatine sage, anise, almond
Heart notes:
neroli, coriander, cinnamon, violet, jasmine, rose, geranium, coumarin, iris, tobacco, rosemary, basil, lily of the valley, brown sugar
Base notes:
white cedar, vanilla, benzoin, sandalwood, tonka beans, amber, musk
photo: Vladimir Gorokhov >
model: Petr Usoltsev >
From reviews - lively reflections:
Prepare sleigh in summer
The approach of warm days is no longer felt in jest. It hovers in the late March air, is defiantly displayed on thermometers, and flows down sonar streams into nearby icy reservoirs. And what does all this mean? That's right, you need to start preparing sleighs in the summer, and in this situation - analyze your parf wardrobe for aromas for the end of spring and the first hot June days ... One of the goals for me is Edgardio Chilini's Skin Scent Man fragrance from a very nice Russian perfumer Sergey Karov.
He came to me relatively recently, and it seems to me that he would be the perfect outfit for the end of April - mid-May ... For a hotter time, I theoretically do not consider it, however, as practice shows, during closer acquaintance, various nuances emerge, which is difficult to calculate in advance, so we will not guess. In February, in the cold, we somehow did not immediately become friends, something prevented. He seemed unnecessarily ringing and aggressively peppered, although now I think where I managed to see it in him.
Now, in March, he is good, I like the way it sounds on my skin. Freshly starting, it spreads into a soft, barely perceptible, sweet-sweet with a weightless bitterness, which is drawn absolutely randomly, making it interesting to sound different notes alternately.
My Edgardio Chilini "Skin Scent Man" sits very close to the skin and is heard at a rather intimate distance. It is reasonable to stand on the body for such a set of notes, on clothes, of course, remains until the end of the day.
If we draw parallels with the images in clothes, then it will be good both for a bow of a casual orientation, and not a very strict office style. Colors, according to my feelings, grayscale, beige and warm brown.
The obvious must-have for the upcoming heat.
Kimiko Wild, (Evgenia)
Edgardio Chilini Skin Scent Man:"the beauty of decay"...
It is good that she managed to get acquainted with this "Male Skin" before the onset of heat. Sometimes thick, very characteristic, this fragrance, if you overdo it, can easily “strangle” in its arms like an excessively ardent lover ...
It is this fragrance on the verge of my hm-kh-... anniversary gets memories, neatly laid out on the far shelves and boxes, and ...everything mixes. And therefore not a review with "viewing" notes. And some too personal, associative...
Not a purely masculine scent, though, yes, about a man. For me - a collective image. And not about Him alone... Like a biopic. Collected from separate bright and not very fragments, illustrating certain moments of life, only after mounting it is perceived as a single tape. Let's call it "The beauty of decay." There is no age qualification, in principle, as well as moments for which it could be a shame...
Thin, very, very thin citrus. Not as juicy and bright as tearing down the roof in Ginger Spice. Very fast, almost casual.
Like a short glance, like a slight movement of the hand, they say, forget it, because in fact there was nothing. Like a passing passion generated by passion. Her fierce flash, and then... Nothing... No offense, no regret, much less love until the grave... Just as quickly, almost without turning around, the lavender passes, the notes of which have a little overlap with the vigorous, grassy sage. Behind it is a sprig of tarragon with thin leaves and only one "star" of anise...
Anise... A recognizable smell that I fell in love far from immediately. It seemed that his whole house was soaked with some kind of pharmaceutical infusion. I didn’t understand how it was possible to drink anisette almost every night, adding water and ice to it to white mud. But soon got used and even penetrated. And then... without breaking up, too, soon lost the habit. No offense, no regrets. And love is strange, like that vodka diluted with water...
Bitter almond notes, lightly sprinkled with pepper. Not sharp and burning, but slightly tickling nostrils. Just his neatly trimmed mustache tickled once my lips, cheeks, neck... And now no offense, no regret... However, regret is, rather, pity: he was so used in his youth to surround himself with beautiful women, not carried away seriously and without falling in love, that is still one. No family, no children ...
Flowers at first also seem bitter. But then timidly reveal their petals... Bouquet, which he hid behind his back. I put my nose on my wrist in the hope of catching the notes of the lily of the valley, which, like citrus fruits, always turn around and are capable of stupefying me in just one instant. Every spring must at least once we collected their huge bouquet. Without it, no longer do. But no offense, no regret, just a question: "Was there love?"
I like rosemary and basil. And in this fragrance as well. Their very small. Fragile twigs and leaves, which always decorate a plate at dinner. I want to rub them between the fingers and inhale their bright spicy fragrance ...
And he could not tolerate them, although in the country where he spent almost half his life, these herbs are held in high esteem. Time will pass, and there will be no offense or regret. And only I needed love ...
Bright - coumarin, tonka bean, vanilla, benzoin. The resinous-balsamic-spicy, sweet-vanilla-creamy ... And to hell with them - not to make out which of them is that... The fragrance appears like accords of spicy, then woody notes. But bluntly declares only his foughest. However, this is so obvious. As if something conceals, keeps back... A subtle wave-like trail that gives one or another note.
Again, trying to hide something... And when it comes to the truth, it, in fact, becomes not needed. No jealousy, no excuses. No offense, no regrets. And only in the evening on the skin remains a little sweet vanilla, calmed down on musk. Soft, slightly dry, warm and tender. I have me, and I'm fine with me.
Kosmetan, (Helena)
Impossible sensual scent. Loud start male cologne-a mixture of citruses, pepper and spices. Then comes clearly tangible cinnamon, almonds and delicate violets, the aroma softens, becomes smarmy and feminine. Base, base just drives me crazy! Tonka beans, vanilla and white musk are soloed. And I can hear cherry bone under sweet syrup and a little tobacco.
Fragrance turned out very exciting and associative.
Here the male and female pressure and softness, tobacco and violets, the mandative tone and humility merged together.
Resistant and having a train, playing different shades. I loved him very much and with pleasure I carry it on myself.